Back-to-School Success for
Children with Autism

A Parent’s Guide for a Smooth Transition

A boy at school giving a thumbs up

The back-to-school season can be particularly challenging for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Changes in routine, new social dynamics, and academic pressures all play a role in this transition. However, the right strategies can help you navigate this transition and set your child up for a successful school year ahead.  

Back-to-school tips for children with autism:

Establish a Consistent Routine 

Children with autism often thrive on predictability and routine. To help your child adjust to the back-to-school season, establish a consistent daily routine at home. Outline morning and evening activities so your child knows what to expect each day. Consistency can reduce anxiety and help your child feel more secure as they adjust to school. 

Prepare a Visual Schedule 

A visual schedule is a valuable tool for helping your child with autism understand and anticipate their daily routine. Utilize pictures and symbols to represent their daily activities such as getting dressed, brushing their teeth, eating lunch, and after-school activities. Keep this schedule on display in your home so your child can refer to it regularly. 

Visit Their School Before the First Day 

Familiarity can help ease your child’s stress as the first day of school approaches. Arrange for a visit to their school to introduce them to their teacher and explore their new classroom. This will make the environment feel more familiar and less overwhelming on their first day. 

Communicate with School Staff 

Schedule a meeting with your child’s teacher and administration to discuss your child’s behaviors, specific needs and accommodations if necessary. Effective communication will ensure everyone feels comfortable and confident in the support they will provide for your child.  

Create a Sensory-Friendly School Supplies Kit 

Many children with autism have sensory sensitivities, which can impact their comfort and focus. Create a sensory-friendly school supplies kit that includes items designed to reduce sensory overload. Consider including a comfortable seat cushion, fidget toys, or textured items that can help your child stay calm and engaged during the school day. 

By implementing these strategies, you can ease your child’s transition back to school and set them up for a successful school year! With preparation and support, the school year can be a positive and empowering experience for you and your child. For additional tips and resources, consider discussing your plans with your child’s ABA therapy team. 

Autism Resources & Support at Surpass Behavioral Health

Surpass Behavioral Health is dedicated to helping children and teens with ASD. With a focus on high-quality individualized care, support for families, and a commitment to evidence-based techniques, we are here to make a positive impact in the lives of those we serve. Contact us or get started today to learn more about our ABA therapy services.  

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